4 months has officially passed since I last posted on this blog...read on to find out why!
Over the summer we had over 40 new applications come in to the orphanage. We do not have room for that many new children so we had to select those with the most urgent need. That is a very difficult job! We have over 65 children now in the home.

We will be sharing more about the new children in our upcoming newsletter.
Bible School
We had our first day of classes today at Nagpur Training Center. Presently we have 17 students and are expecting a few more . (You can pray for 4 who are coming from Bihar, but have been delayed because of flooding.) This is our 10th year of training workers for the harvest and we are ready to go!
The wall around the ministry property is coming along! After much delay we have been able to complete nearly half of the wall up to the final height of 7 feet tall. It looks amazing! We have stopped constuction during the monsoon season and will start up again as soon as we are able. We have 2 construction teams planned for the end of this year and hope to accomplish the wall in 2009! Please pray for this!
I have a short story to share. When we began the wall construction the farming neighbors began to dispute the boundry lines, claiming that we were stealing land. We had the land surveyed twice to convince them it was correct. They still would not believe us. Amols father, Daddy- as we call him, called out the "big man" from the office to be present during the survey and witness the boundry for us. In the end we gained 30 feet on one side of the land! Praise the Lord!
Last Sunday I came across this verse, which seemed so fitting:
"Do not move an ancient boundry stone or enroach on the fields of the fatherless, for thier Defender is strong; he will take up their case against you." Proverbs 23:10-11
US visit
We leave for the US in 21 days! We will arrive in Charlotte, NC on August 20th. We will be busy from day 1 travelling and sharing about the needs of the ministry. Please pray for our safety and for many open doors to share about the work in India.
We need a vehicle to use while in the US from August 20-Oct 20. Please let us know if you or your church would be able to help! Please call and leave a message at 828-221-2082.