I admit, I do not use technology to the fullest. I have friends who blog about family and friends and what God is teaching them. It is not high on my list of to-do’s, but I do need to do better at updating through this way! Is it to late to set a New Year’s resolution? I am just in time in India, where everything is extremely late!
I will keep this short and sweet!

Our church grew by 4 members this December! A growing church is a good sign they say- and we had 4 babies born in our church in December alone! All of them were born to young women who have been through our Bible School, several of them married young men from the school! Vilesh and Anita are both our graduates. Vilesh still works on staff with us. They had a daughter the first week of December and asked Amol and I to name her. We named her Sarah! Last Sunday ALL 4 babies were dedicated to God- PTL!
Construction is coming along. We are about ¾ done with the wall and hope to complete it by summer. After that we will need to level the land. This will cost thousands of Dollars. We would prefer to buy a tractor and are asking for God to provide for that urgent need right now. Please help pray with us and give if you are able. After the land is leveled, we will use it for crops and for a lot more construction to come.
Nagpur Training Center is about ready to send out our 10th batch of students! On March 13th we will have our 10th graduation. We have 19 students graduating. Please pray for them as we take them a step further in laying their vision and making plans as they head out for ministry. Pray for their safety. (14 Pastors were killed in Orissa, India just last week!)

Nagpur Children’s Home is doing well. We have stopped growing for a little while. We are trying to care better for those we have instead of adding right now. Honestly, we are way over-crowded in our dorms. We will not be able to take in more children until we can expand to our land. The children had a wonderful Christmas. Crossroads Worldwide sent 2 teams over December that brought backpacks, tye-dye T-shirts, pajamas, school supplies, toys and MUCH, much more for the kids. They had another blessed Christmas. This is a group picture taken on Christmas Day.
Amol’s parents are doing well. Mummy has recovered from her accident almost 2 years ago. She does let her cane keep her from doing anything. She is very active in the ministry and has officially retired! PTL! Daddy’s health is well. He will be traveling out of town this month to attend a seminar and will be refreshed a bit with a break from all the ministry.
My (Rachel) parents are visiting. This is their second time to come and see the ministry in Nagpur. They leave tomorrow and we have enjoyed having them here t help with the homeschooling, cooking, shopping and visiting friends and family. They traded lots for snow days for 83 F days! The weather sure is heating up!
Thanks for your prayers and support. 2009 was a great year, God really restored what Satan was attempting to take- mainly joy from us leaders. Your prayers for our growing family is always appreciated. We love you!
So much for short and sweet- there is so much to say! Medical camps and circus news coming in the next one, as well as our boy who graduated 1st in a class of over 300- wonder who?