Thursday, April 19, 2012

Summer has arrived!

This year is moving by quickly!
Resurrection Sunday is always an amazing time to celebrate with Believers and unbelievers alike. Here are a few highlights from that day.
Sunrise service on the roof
Titus Women who came to the service
Our oldest came from for the summer, and we already put him to work translating!
The kids have finally completed all of their exams and are out of school for the summer. We have a team coming from NC to lead the VBS, we are already holding daily computer & English classes and possibly have some fun outings in the future! The weather is already nearing 115F and we still have a ways to go. Fortunately, they sleep through the hottest part of the day!
Day 2 (and group 3) of English & Computer classes!
On a personal note we have begun the construction of our personal home. This is an exciting stage and we are grateful for your prayers and support for this need.
Construction materials are piling up!
As India heats up, construction work on the campus is slowing down.  We are working on plans for the sewer system and tree plantation; 2 areas we hope to complete by the end of the year.

A. will be visiting the US in June for 2 weeks. He is looking forward to updating some of you personally and visiting a few places that we have not been able to visit as a family the past few visits. The rest of us will be back in India- working hard hosting a team and teaching classes and holding meetings.  Your prayers are always appreciated.

We appreciate your faith and willingness to walk this journey with us.

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