Friday, February 11, 2011

Details, what details?

Oh Friends,
How I wish I could share with you all that is going on! There are so many things about to happen, but not quite yet. I do want to share a short update about the girl's dorm

We have purchased and now own the girls home. We have been unable to buy the neighboring plot of land next door as we were hoping. It is not impossible, but is going to have to be a God thing. We ask you that would pray with us that God will make a way for us to buy the emtpty plot of land. It will be a play area for the girls and we hope to build extra bathrooms in the space.
Presently, we are delayed in moving in the girls because electricity has not yet arrived. These things take forever here. I am still learning this. How long can it take to run 50 feet of electric line in a developing neighborhood....a very long time.
In the mean time we are taking the time to make all the renovations we want to on the home before the girls move in. We have laid stone on the floors this past month and presently they are polishing them! They will look so good by the time they move in. We also built an additional 6 bathrooms for them and added a porch, closed a few extra doorways that were not needed, etc. I know these pictures do not explain much, but for those interested...

There is 6 rooms total in the house

bathrooms in the back
The view of the house

The plot holding all the stone in this pictures is the one we are praying to purchase. Please be praying about this with us. Thank you!

Other things you will hear about soon...
  • purchase of a tractor to level the ministry center land
  • the office/ church/ boys dorm building completion
  • Nagpur Training Center's 11th graduation program
  • Orphan girls home change
  • A&R's visit to the US
  • A home for the Pawar's

God is doing lot's of things! Thanks for being such a great part of the work here. God bless you!!!


Thursday, February 10, 2011

More TW pictures

The last post would not allow me to add any more pictures, so here are a few more. Read on for all the details!
Indian colored keychains
The quilt design that we will eventually raffle

painting paper beads during a class demo
fabric colored headbands

teaching about waiting on God and not giving up on our dreams. Ironic.

Women and more women

Titus Women Update

This past week we had a wonderdul women's meeting at our fellowship. Over 60 women attended, most of whom are regular's at our Titus Women meetings. It was a great time of fellowship, worship, teaching, crafting and eating! We even got them to run a bit and play some games! Our main teaching was some quiliting that we are beginning. The women are creating a quilt that we will be raffling off by the end of the year. We learned many other things as well!

Here are a few shots of the 2 days of fun!

flower printed journals

ready to teach a crafting session

We had 2 crafting circles going on at a time! One was inside and one was outside!

The day after the retreat ended 2 women came to my house and shared some answered prayers. One said she returned home to her husband waiting for her. He said he had received an increase in his salary. This had not happened in 3 years and was an answer to her prayers!
The other shared that her husband (who we had been praying for since his motorcycle accident in December) had walked for the first time that night when she got home.
What awesome ways that God showed his power to these women AND so quickly. We are thankful for the oppurtunity to not only inspire and encourage them, but pray and sow seeds into thier lives. What a great group of women. I am so proud to lead them.