Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Written by July visitor: Lorah Young

"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received, how much money we have made, how many great things we have done.
We will be judged by "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in."
— Mother Teresa

Friends, If you knew all the stories behind each child’s face you would be so in awe of God’s amazing love and provision for each precious child’s life. They have had to overcome things that no one could imagine at such very young ages. Begging for food on the streets, searching for shelter and food on the railroad tracks, and being put into child prostitution. They have lost parents, grandparents, been abandoned, watched people set on fire, lived on the streets by themselves-- basically seen things that I can't even imagine. But I know why those things happen. We live in a world controlled by sin. It is broken. People suffer. Innocent children suffer. What blows my mind is that despite everything these children have been through, they can smile. They can laugh. They can love. They can worship. Every time you see them smile, laugh, love and worship with all their hearts you see a miracle first hand.
We are so blessed and have so much to be thankful for. We have not had to search through trash to survive. We have not had to sleep with rats on the train tracks hoping to get food from the train. We have not had to beg on the streets for food. We have been so blessed and we are blessed to be a blessing.

I have heard stories of India for years now through my friends R & A who live there, and even my Pastor and his wife have both gone and shared even more. I thought I was prepared and had a good understanding of what I was going into…yet I was so wrong. No amount of stories or pictures could have prepared me. When you are talking about a country that is much smaller than ours yet has 1.8 Billion people which over 80% are Hindu and only around 2% are with HOPE, you have just stepped foot on a very dark nation…and very hopeless nation. Every face outside of the organization that I saw was so hopeless. Look at the faces of these children who are living in a village miles outside of Nagpur. Look and see what I see and I saw over and over..Hopelessness.

I would be overwhelmed at thinking of ways to reach the people of India ..Yet God has given A & R clear vision and direction on what they are to do. They have vision to take in 1,000 orphans. They have vision to keep putting out into the nation of India workers each year equipped to win souls and plant c's. Out of the over 28 million orphans in the country- and that number is growing daily- just housing a 1,000 seems like a small number but I have seen that first hand that is much bigger and way more significant than you may think.
Thank you for investing into the kingdom with your giving. While I was there I was able to share with the orphans and the women’s group. I was able to a part of the dedication of the new building; the college guys dorm, offices and a large meeting hall.