Sunday, December 16, 2012

Happy Christmas from India!

Christmas 2011

This year is winding down, but our longest season of the year is just beginning. We are preparing to welcome a team of 20 into our home and family this week. They will be with us until the New Year. It is a very exciting time as we share the Good News locally to friends and neighbours we have been developing relationships with all year long.
You bought her Christmas gift!
We do want to take a moment and thank you for your hands. Hands that reach into your pockets and give when we have a need. Hands that join in ours for prayer when we need it. Hands that are always open and hold us tight when we come for a visit. What would we do without this part of the Body?

We are also thankful for your feet. Feet that go. We have been so blessed to have so many of you visit us in our country. You have come to our humble home, giving us a chance to serve you for a moment. You are the feet that carry the Message from another land. Feet that remove your sandals and walk into the homes of the outcast and forgotten- the people of India. We thank God for the Feet in the Body of Christ.

Young and old celebrate together!
We love you so much. You are our back bone- and I don’t say this lightly! Just this month (Dec. 1st) I have undergone back surgery to relieve a pinched nerve I had in my leg. It has kept me from being able to do my work the past few months and I am thankful to be pain free and well again. God has given me an amazing team of people who have completed my long list of things to do, rubbed my feet when they hurt, washed my dishes and cleaned my house and buttoned my 4-year old’s shirt when he can’t. We have an amazing team of people on both sides of the world and we could never do this without you. It is God who makes it grow, but you are the backbone that keeps us standing tall in the face of difficulties, tragedy and pain.
We love you and we want to wish you a wonderful holiday season as we worship the King of Kings and the Prince of Peace.
Happy Christmas!
From the entire family, staff, children, students and church in India!
Bamboo stars, made by our Titus Women, hang on a tree in the US. Over 40 people bought stars this year to support our Orphans Christmas- while celebrating a world away. Thank you.

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