Saturday, November 3, 2012

Opportunity to give #1!

    Every morning in the girls dorm the caretakers cell phone alarm goes off at 5am. There is no heat or coffee pot to warm up the bodies of the 30+ girls as their bare feet hit the floor. They run to share their 6 bathrooms and dress in a hurry. They all must be out the door in 30 minutes. The oldest girl is over 20 and the youngest just 4. They are all required to get ready and go for morning devotion. Sleepy eyed, they grab their Bibles and head out the gate to walk a block to the common room where over 100 people meet every morning to worship, read God's word and prayer before they start their day. As they pile into the small room they find their place on the rug and place the Bible on the floor beside them.

Each child that can read has been given a Bible. They carry them through the darkness to the prayer hall each morning and night. During they day they are stacked up on the only shelf they have in the dorm. Although great care and respect is given to the Bible, the wear and tear on the well used book is evident. Many are falling apart and ripping at the seams. This is one thing we love to see well used.

Well used Bibles

In the past we have given our children Bible covers donated and carried from the US by generous teams who bring them. They often have zippers and many have broken- simply from all the use.
As our numbers grow we can no longer bring things from the US for the children. For it to last more than a few months, the children need covers for their special book .

This year we are teaching our Titus Women how to make a simple Bible cover. Each will have no zipper to wear out, handles to carry them, a ribbon or rope to tie it closed, and fabric to protect the cover and spine.
Handmade Bible Covers

We would like to make one for every child and student for Christmas. That is over 100 needed. We will be purchasing the covers from our Titus Women! When you purchase a cover for a child or student you will also be supporting one of our women and her family.
One of the Titus Women with her family

The Need- 100 Bible Covers @ $8 = $800- deadline, November 15th.

If you would like to give a gift in honor of a family member of friend for Christmas please send us an email at:

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