Monday, November 5, 2012

Opportunity to give #2

When we moved into our brand new facility in 2007 we felt like we have so much extra room to grow. It did not take long before we were again outgrowing our space. Great need in our area means that we will never have too much space. We stay maxed out and then are unable to grow further. We are feeling these pains now as we house over 40 active boys in 1500 square feet. Even our new girl’s house and new college girls dorm are full and overflowing. We don’t see this as an issue…until winter comes.

In the heat of the summer the children argue to sleep on the cool tile floors. They remain cool to the touch throughout the days and nights and are a great relief to the intense heat. As winter arrives it becomes a very different situation.

Presently we have 13 bunk beds for our boys. That means 26 beds to sleep. Of course they double up and adjust, but every night 10+ boys end up on the floor with a sheet or a mat to sleep on. In the winter this is just too cold for their thin bodies and they begin sleeping 3-4 on a bed so no one has to be cold.
The beds already in the boys home

It was always our hope to provide each of our children with their own bed. For children who have slept on streets and most likely will never have their own bedroom, even in the future, we feel it is a 6’x3’ space that they can feel is theirs and strive to keep clean and well kept.  Many do.

It has been 6 years since we bought the first bunk beds and the cotton mattresses we purchased for them. Of course they are worn thin with 4 boys sleeping on them each night. They also mold through the rainy season and need to be replaced. We began purchasing mattresses a few months back and some of them are already in use!

A thin sagging mattress
We have recently purchased 10 new bunk beds as well. We have not been able to make this payment yet, as well as need the plywood and mattress for these 20 (2 per bed) beds.
New mattresses already being used!

The bunk beds are $350 each (including plywood and mattress)

We need 10 - $3500

We need 20 additional mattresses for the children sleeping on the floor- 20 @ $75 = $1500

Brand new bunk waiting for a mattress
This need is $5,000. Can you help?

Crossroads Worldwide is partnering with us this Christmas to provide new sheets and blankets for the children!

Send Support to Crosspoint of India: 3714 Gailyn Dr. Bartlett TN 38135-9444
Please designate for Orphans Christmas.

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