Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Opportunity to give #3

Thank you for your response to our shared needs this month!

If you follow our Crosspoint of India page on Facebook you have been able to see an update of our planting and crops on the land this year.  Recently we planted hundreds of  orange and date palm trees. We also have crops of tomato, garbanzo and green beans growing right now! This is all very exciting and are so blessed to see the ground yield a harvest while we wait to make it a home for 1,000 orphans.
Planting date palms

With the trees planted along the proposed roads, we are now ready to install an irrigation system to allow them to grow well and yield the most fruit in the future.  This is very important since we received rain just 2 months out of the whole year! We have already begun a sample of the system we will need..
Date Palms along the entrance road to the main compound

Need: Irrigation for trees and crops. $5,000

We have been blessed with almost every piece of equipment we need to farm well. We are still in need of a Rotovator, which is a mulcher.  This will allow us to till the ground deeper and turn left over weeds and harvested materials back into the soil.
Our tractor and some equipment

Need: Rotovator  $5,000
Image may vary, I will need to ask them men!

Send Support to Crosspoint of India: 3714 Gailyn Dr. Bartlett TN 38135-9444
Please designate for Land Development
You can also give an undesignated gift online at www.crosspointofindia.org

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