Thursday, January 26, 2012

The blessing of a Mom...if you have one.

We are well into 2012 aren’t we? I am reminded daily how fast this year will go by. Every day I see another pair of shoes that do not fit and are cast aside. I see pants that are getting shorter and shorter and little bellies that are growing and popping out from under the kids short shirts! Our kids are growing up! Of course this type of development is more easily seen through glances at the children, but through spend time with them we see their spiritual development as well.

This year we have 8 of our kids who are taking their final exams for high school. Their future studies depend on how they do in this exam. If they do not score in the 90’s they will not be able to get into college. I found 3 of our young men studying on my porch last night. To see their discipline to study blessed me and I hope it will bless you also.

Growing up in an orphanage has lots of disadvantages, but mostly I love the discipline that the children have to learn. They must help take care of themselves. They learn to wash their own plate after each meal. Many of them wash their own clothes. When they do a poor job they wear dirty clothes. They learn very quickly. Did you know children are very smart? These things are important to me because I was taught this way.

I was taught when you get up in the morning you make up your bed. Very first thing you brush your teeth. You put your clothes in the wash at the end of the day and don’t let work pile up. Because my mom taught me how to clean, cook and be creative I am a disciplined adult and I appreciate her for that. This month is my Mom’s birthday month and I am thankful for her life and for the lessons she has taught me. I am reminded there are many children who grow up without a mom. I was blessed with one. Have you told your mom you love her recently? In India alone there are 36 million children who are orphaned or separated from their moms. Be thankful for yours.

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