Thursday, February 2, 2012

A New Season...

We are at a new season in our lives and ministry. A season we have always hoped for, and are a little surprised is here. It is a season of blessing by just maintaining and improving what God has given us. This is different for each area of ministry.

A great new change is our new offices. We went from one room with 4 very old computers to cubicles for each department, networked brand new computers and recently today, 10 cell phones for all our staff! Yes, most of them had one already, but they were unreliable and costly. These phones are free when we call each other. A great change!

In the orphanage, maintaining means giving out supplies when needed. Our new supply warehouse will really help keep us organized and use our resources well.  It also has separate libraries for the college students and the children.

Keeping the kids fed is a big part of our daily need. We have had a year’s supply of children’s multi-vitamins donated to keep them not only fed, but healthy as well! We are thankful for all the people who contribute in so many ways. It is a team effort of skills, donations and gifts that keep everything moving forward.

Titus Women has also seen a LOT of growth this year. We are at a place where we have a lot of potential, but are holding back the group to improve the quality of our products. This seems to be the theme of the entire ministry during this season- Less Growth, Improve Quality. This is something we are all passionate about and thrilled to be able to do, without the pressures of moving into new facilties, getting a new kitchen set up, or major medical issues to tend to.

Spiritually, we need to keep investing in the lives of all these individual people we are reaching. We are already planning VBS for the children this summer, outreach projects for the students before graduation and a Titus Women retreat this month. There are many things on the horizon- and this season is good- because of your partnership with us. Thank you.

1 comment:

Nikki Clifton said...

AMAZING!! PTL!! That storage area up there looks so nice...and the to call each other?? WOW! Thanks for the encouragement today...this excites me!